
Amazon popped this up based on what I've bought there. I remember liking Red Red Meat, and the samples on iTunes were intriguing, so I went for it. There are some moments where you can't see the noises for the songs, but if you're patient, its more like you pass through them on the way to wonderful melodies, fringed with rustic spasms. Similar, but different to a perception of Medeski, Martin & Wood shared with me by a friend of mine, just after his first time seeing them live. Its like its all one expansive, droning song, with different messages and conversations resolving amidst and replacing the drone of the chaos. You could also compare it to the noisy, art-rock tangent Wilco has taken, but more calculated and subdued. Califone is (nice enough to include a slew of mp3's for download) hard to pin down, painting expansive songs using broad palettes. Sometimes electric and electronic, sometimes organic and tribal, and often all at once. And... they can get funky when they wanna.
Update: After listening to both Quicksand/Cradlesnakes and Heron King Blues, I can say I'm a fan. Heron King Blues is a very good album. Let me know what you think, if you're familiar. I guess that goes for everything.
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